Our May meeting was given to us by Melanie Gibson-Barton on “In Flanders Field” and Melanie gave us a tour through Flanders showing villages and towns whose names are familiar from the Great War, but have their own histories and customs that carry on despite the devastation they suffered one hundred years ago.
Our next talk, on Monday 9th July, at 8pm in the Horton Kirby Jubilee Hall will be given by Alex Ferris on “1917 – Bombs in Kent”, talking about how Kent suffered during WW1 from Zeppelin and Gotha airplane raids in 1917.
Our 2018 schedule:
10th September Development of South Darenth before 1900 – Malcolm Scott
12th November AGM & Short Talk followed by Wine & Cheese
14th January Woolwich Women at War – Steve Hookins
11th March The Romance of London’s River – Tony Farnham
20th May The Kaiser’s War – Christoph Bull
8th July Lost Empires – the last days of Music Hall and Variety – Wilf Lower
9th September To be confirmed but will be a talk by one of our members
11th November AGM & Short Talk followed by Wine & Cheese
At our recent committee meeting we had a long discussion about the date of our May meetings in future years. Our problem is that the May meeting will now always clash with the Annual Parish Meeting, and some of our members are also Parish Councillors and need to attend the Annual Parish Meeting. Next year our meeting will be held on the third Monday in May, and this is likely to be the new date going forward.