Our March talk was by Steve Hookins, who has given us talks in the past, this time it was “To Wilhelm with Love – Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Somme”. Steve’s talks are always thought provoking, as he gave us a rounded view of the battle, which lasted several weeks, accompanied by a very well illustrated slide presentation. Steve also brought to the meeting a display of WW1 items which we all had time to look at before and after the meeting, and answered many questions.
Our next meeting will be on Monday 8th May 2017 at 8pm in the Horton Kirby Jubilee Hall (next to the Village Hall) and our speaker will be Christoph Bull, and this time his talk will be “The Incredible Shrinking Parish of Stone”.
Our 2017 schedule:
10th July Old Dartford & District – Terry Moyle
11th September Queen Victoria – Anne Carter
13th November AGM a short talk by Malcolm Scott and the Cheese & Wine Evening
The new walking tour guide to Horton Kirby and South Darenth is not quite ready yet (there have been significant issues with maps…) and the guide will be available soon. Work is also progressing on the history of the villages during World War One, and I am currently reading the bound volumes of The Dartford Express for 1914, 1915 and 1916, lent to me by a very kind member of the Dartford Historical & Antiquarian Society, and this is providing interesting additional information about the activities in the villages during this period which we will be using in the book.
Forthcoming local events:
British Legion Plant Sale – Saturday, 6th May 10.30am – 1pm.
At the British Legion Hall, Devon Road, with cakes, tea and coffee available
British Legion Quiz Night – Friday, 12th May 7.00pm for 7.30pm.
At the British Legion Hall, Devon Road, bring your own drinks and nibbles
Sutton at Hone Church Quiz Night – Friday, 19th May 7.30pm.
At Sutton Court (off Church Road), £4 per person and teams of up to six.